Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I love Thanksgiving Day - watching the parades on TV, having dinner with family, eating great food.  And I LOVE pumpkin pie!  What's that?  You're not a pumpkin pie fan?  Well, to each his own - more for me!  We all love different things in life - which, if you are a regular reader, you know brings me to today's topic:


A "phile" is a person who loves or enjoys a particular thing.  For instance, a bibliophile loves books.  Below is a list of 5 philes.  Your task today is to tell me what each of these philes loves.







Email your answer to by the end of the day Wednesday, Nov. 29 for a chance to win:

Mystery box.png

A mystery box of office goodies!

Good Luck!

(I'm giving you an extra day since Thursday is the holiday and you'll be off enjoying life with family and friends.)


Last question: Fill in the blank from a well-known series of commercials:  "Time to make the..."

Answer:  Donuts (From old Dunkin' Donuts commercials.)

Thanks for playing!!  If you think you have a tidbit that would make a good trivia question, email it to me at and if I use it, I'll send you a small gift (ooh! - what could it be?)