Binders & Accessories You Can't Live Without

A little over a  week ago, I wrote about a nifty little gadget that applies the reinforcement labels for you.   Today's topic: More smart binders and accessories to make your life easier.

There are tons and tons of different configurations of ring binder indexes for you to use to separate the contents of the binder.  But what if you don't want to separate them?  What if you don't want to put them on rings - you want them in the binder so that everything you need is in one place, but you want to be able to just grab them all at once and pull them out? 

Silly me!  Of course - you put them in the inside pockets. Well, those inside pockets can only hold a few pages.  They're not expandable - if you load them up, they'll tear.  And, since the binder industry came up with the brilliant idea (total sarcasm - I'd like to have a few words with the person who came up with this idea) of mounting the rings on the back cover of the binder (grrrrr...), the back pocket is totally unusable now.  You can't fit a normal sheet of paper in it anymore because the ring mechanism is in the way.  So the binder companies came up with some really good storage ideas for that problem, as well as a few others. 

Here are a few ways you can carry loose papers securely:

The Avery item has 3 pockets within the unit, so your papers can be separated and loose at the same time and has corner locks to keep the papers from falling out.  The blue and red pockets on the right are just like a normal 2-pocket portfolio, but are 3-hole punched to go in the binder.

These two are both poly pockets - just different closures.  The blue one closes with hook and loop fasteners and can expand up to 1" and the purple one snaps closed (no expansion).  

Now, you could say that if the manufacturers would just leave the rings mounted on the spine, we wouldn't need these items, but really - those inside pockets don't hold a whole lot.  And the more you stuff inside of them, the tighter it gets and then the corners of your documents get know how it goes.  The items above will help you avoid all of that.

This item is an adhesive pocket that you stick to the binder to hold your USB drive.  It has a resealable flap closure to keep it secure.  A handy accessory if I do say so myself.

And last, but not least, this new binder by Storex is built Ford tough - oh, wait - I guess that would be Storex tough.  

It's called the DuraGrip binder and it has a full rubber bumper around the edges to withstand drops without chipping or cracking and a large rubber grip to make it easier to pull off the shelf.  And as you can see, it's also a view binder. It comes in 1" size, in black, blue, red and white.

These are just a few of the items available.  Check out our website or, if you can't find what you need, give us a call at 877-795-2600 - we're happy to help!