Current Delays (and How to Minimize Their Impact) in the Print Industry

by Alex Plachta

I’m taking a break from the “Custom Printing for Newbies” series I have been publishing to give my thoughts on managing the current delays in the print industry. This is surface level as there are thousands of articles out there on supply chain and labor shortages going on around the world currently.

First, I want to list the reasons why there are currently slowdowns:

  1. Labor Shortages in Manufacturing: Much like other industries, many print manufacturers - local and nationwide - are dealing with labor shortages that can extend lead times.

  2. Extended Delivery Times: Shortages of drivers to unload freight deliveries and the overabundance of demand for ocean and land transportation has led to delays (some significant) in getting materials needed for certain products.

  3. Shortages and Rising Cost of Paper: Most paper and other material suppliers (labels/packaging/etc.) have had significant price increases and slowdowns for a variety of reasons (some related to #1 and #2).  They are even experiencing slowdowns in getting the wood pulp they need to produce paper in the first place.

I’d like to share some suggestions as to how you as the customer can minimize the impact from these delays and shortages. Number one is to be aware of current slowdowns and to try to place orders in a timely manner, especially if they are needed for a specific event. Being flexible about the exact products and stock used can also be helpful. Certain items and paper stocks are more readily available than others and what is available can change quickly. If you are willing to go with similar available stocks and items when your first option is out of stock that can really speed up your order. Office Express has a good grasp on timing and can advise you on accurate lead times. We will work with you to pick stocks and manufacturers that are most available if lead time is an issue.

If you are particularly concerned about timing on an order with Office Express, please reach out to and we can provide an estimate for your request or order.