Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!


Hello Everyone!  I hope you're all enjoying your day wherever you are.  Since we're so close to December 25, I'm sure you've already figured out what my trivia topic will be today. Yep, it's ....

Christmas Trivia

To whom must they never give a license (especially at Christmas time)?

christmas presents.jpg

A little cryptic?  Possibly, but if you're seriously into Christmas you probably knew it right away.

Email your answer to by the end of the day Wed., Dec 27 (you get an extra day for the holiday) for a chance to win:


A $10 Panera gift card!

Good Luck!

Last question:  A "phile" is a person who loves or enjoys a particular thing. For instance, a bibliophile loves books. Below is a list of 5 philes. Your task today is to tell me what each of these philes loves.  Turophile, Pogonophile, Oenophile, Hippophile, Clinophile.

Answer:  Turophile - cheese, Pogonophile - beards, Oenophile - wine, Hippophile - Horses (bet you thought it was a hippopotamus!), Clinophile - reclining or lying in bed


Thanks for playing - I hope you had fun!  If you have an interesting tidbit that you think would make a good trivia question, email it to me at  If I use it, I'll send you a small gift!