Flint Water Donation

The residents of Flint, MI are dealing with an incredible crisis that doesn't seem to have an end in sight any time soon.  As the entire country is aware, the water being supplied to Flint is tainted with high levels of lead, which is completely unsafe and has resulted in numerous health problems for citizens as well as a lack of safe water for drinking, cooking and bathing.

In an effort to help our neighbors, Office Express is holding a water drive.  We want to fill our trucks to the brim!  How can you help?  Simple - just add item OEXH2OEX to your online cart, write it on your faxed order or tell the representative you speak with that you would like to donate a case of water to the Flint Water Drive and we'll take care of the rest.  For every case you purchase, Office Express will match a case and there is no limit to the number you may donate.

What would you do if your water wasn't safe to drink?  What would you do if you or someone you love developed severe health issues as a result?  

The people of Flint need our help - will you join us?  Please add item OEXH2OEX to your order and help us help them.