Honoring Those Who Served

Today we pause to honor those who are serving, who have served, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  We owe you our freedom, our gratitude and our respect.  We give you our love.

Freedom isn't free. 

People in our country tend to forget that.  We take it for granted and we argue, sometimes vehemently, about whether we should be involved in wars in other countries.  But we wouldn't be where we are today without our military - the men and women who have fought and died to protect our right to say what we feel, to go where we want to go, and to live our lives the way we want to live them.

Land of the Free.....Because of the Brave

The next time you see a soldier or a veteran, walk up to them and thank them for their service.  If you see a soldier in a restaurant, pay for their meal.  Random acts of kindness can never repay the debt we owe to our servicemen, but it's a start.  Memorial Day and Veteran's Day shouldn't be the only two days of the year in which we remember the sacrifices made for us.  Our military personnel live those sacrifices each and every day.  We can't give them back their child's first steps that they weren't here to see, the funeral of a parent that they couldn't be here for, or the limb they lost while fighting for our freedoms.  But we can express our gratitude in many other ways.  Give to the USO, the Wounded Warrior fund, or another charity of your choice that benefits our soldiers.  Support our troops and let them know that you appreciate their sacrifices. 

And I'm proud to be an American where as least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

Lee Greenwood


Real heroes don't wear capes - they wear dog tags.  

Office Express salutes our military and their families.  God bless you all.