Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

Are you feeling lucky today? I hope so, because today you have the chance to win a fabulous prize in our Trivia Contest! It’s time to test your skills with our topic:

Common Denominators

What do these three things have in common?

  • A piece of fabric of distinctive design used as a symbol

  • A city in Arizona known for star-gazing

  • One of the cross-strokes of a musical note less than a quarter note in value


Email your answer to before the end of the day Friday, Dec. 20 for a chance to win:

An 8-Flavor Assortment of Bigelow Tea!

Good Luck!

Last question: In the 1920’s, a transcontinental highway formerly known as the Historic National Road intersected with a newly constructed north-south highway in a city in Indiana. Their meeting place became known as the Crossroads of America. Name the two highways.

Answer: US 40 & US 41

Hope you got it right! Join us next week for another amazing article from our Print Guru, Sarah Izzo!