Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

by Diana L. Martin

Earlier this month I spent a week traveling with my son to visit college campuses for his grad school choice. One of the universities we visited was the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York. It is home to the Hopeman Memorial Carillon, a beautiful carillon consisting of 50 bells. That got me thinking, which, of course, leads me to today’s topic:

Guinness World Records

The second largest carillon in the world is located at Kirk in the Hills in Bloomfield Hills, MI and consists of 77 bells. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest carillon in the world has 78 bells and is located on a college campus.

Where will you find it?


Email your answer to by the end of the day Friday, March 20 for a chance to win:

A variety pack of Pop-tarts!

Good Luck!

Last Question: What is the name of the saber-tooth tiger in "Ice Age?”

Answer: Diego

Thanks for playing! Be sure to check out our blog every week for interesting articles, helpful tips and, of course, more trivia!