Update: Safco Onyx Powered Monitor Stand

Back in the spring, I wrote a review of a new product - the Safco Onyx Powered Monitor Stand - and we gave one away as the grand prize in our 30th Anniversary Trivia Contest.  (You can read that review here.)

The winner of the contest recently wrote to me to tell me that he gave the monitor stand to his wife.  She is using it as part of her scrapbooking set up and he says she absolutely loves it!  She plugs her iPad into it and watches videos while she scrapbooks.  He told me that she took it to a big scrapbooking event and all of her friends loved it.  She puts her papers in the drawer and her colored pens in the side compartments.

I'm always thinking of products in terms of office usage since that's our business.   It never occurred to me to use it for scrapbooking - what a great idea!  Thanks to our winner for sharing that!