Trivia Contest - Win A Prize!

I loved spelling bees in school.  (I think I may have mentioned that before.)  I often find myself proofreading the newspaper and finding spelling or grammar errors.  So today, I've decided to make the trivia topic:


What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

This question may take a little sleuthing to solve, so to reward you, I'm going to do something a little different with the prize for this week's contest.  The winner wins the opportunity to be featured in my blog.  If you win, send me some information about you or your business, along with a link to your website if you have one, and I will write about you in next week's blog.  My blogs post not only on our website, but also on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, so it's a great way to get some free publicity.

I'm having a little trouble with my email right now, so just for this week, send your answer to, with the subject line:  Trivia Contest.  Be the first person to email the correct answer and you win!  Good Luck!

The correct answer to last week's question is:  Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs.

Thanks for playing!