Trivia Contest

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

I’m not a huge fan of reality TV, which seems to be in conflict with most of the rest of America. I used to watch a few reality shows, but I’m tired of it. It’s run it’s course and I’m ready to say goodbye. Except for one show - The Masked Singer.

I LOVE this show! It’s such a different twist from the rest of the reality music shows like American Idol, The Voice and X-Factor. I watched the first show and was hooked - I can’t wait for next season! Today I want to see how many of you share my enthusiasm. So…..our topic today is:

The Masked Singer Trivia

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Boy, does time fly! It seems like I just dropped off my son on move-in day for his freshman year of college. In reality, he’s a senior! As I was thinking about his graduation and his plans for grad school, I started reminiscing and remembering all the times I sat next to him on the couch, watching his favorite TV shows with him. Which, of course, leads me to today’s Trivia Topic:

Children’s TV Shows

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

It never ceases to amaze me how I can have 2000 channels on my cable service and there’s nothing good on to watch. Kind of makes me wish for the good ‘ol days.


I know, I know - there are lots of reboots on right now to fulfill my yearning, but honestly, those shows have had their days in the sun. I prefer something new and original.

Having said that, I am feeling a bit nostalgic right now, so we’re going to go back in time. Today’s topic is:

80’s TV Trivia

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

Trivia Contest - Win a Prize!

People have asked me many times where I get the trivia questions that I use.  I get them from a variety of sources - books, online trivia sites, newspaper articles, submissions from readers, etc. Most I get from my own life - a song that was on the radio as I drove to work, a TV show I used to watch or that I recently watched, a vacation I took, etc. 

Recently, I was doing my grocery shopping at Meijer and the cashier who rang me up gave me an interesting trivia tidbit, which I will classify as

Miscellaneous Trivia