Greening the Workplace: How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

Greening the Workplace:  How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

by Diana L. Martin

It’s practically impossible to pick up a newspaper or magazine and not find an article about sustainability.  Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it impacts many aspects of our lives, including the way we work.  Office environments can have a significant impact on our planet and adopting sustainable practices in the office not only benefits the environment but also enhances your company’s reputation.  Let’s explore some of the ways your business can contribute to a greener future.

Bringing the Outdoors In

Bringing the Outdoors In

By:  Kim Schroeder

Who doesn’t love the warmth of the sun across their face?  Or the renewed feeling that you get, after a long dreary winter, when a hint of green starts to appear on the trees?  I think that we can all agree that most of us love nature and the positive feelings that it evokes in us.

Now stop and think about how much time you actually have to spend in nature, compared to the time you spend doing other activities like grocery shopping, driving in the car, or working in the office.

Well, there is one area that we CAN improve on.  The workplace.  We can bring nature into the OFFICE.  Scientists have proven that bringing nature into the workplace can have a major, positive impact on employees’ overall health and wellness.

The Top 5 Ways Your Office Can Make You Smarter

The Top 5 Ways Your Office Can Make You Smarter

by Marisa Kenyon

In today's busy world, where work is everywhere, the places we work in really matter. They affect how well we work and think. In this blog, we'll explore five ways your office can boost your brainpower, looking at the small but important things that help you think better.

2 Tips To Make The Graphic Design Process Go More Smoothly

2 Tips To Make The Graphic Design Process Go More Smoothly

by Sean Beaupre

Having graphic design work done for a custom printing project is a process in which both the designer and the client are involved. Today we’re offering two tips to help make this process go more smoothly and ensure that you as the client are satisfied with the final product.

Restocking the Breakroom

Restocking the Breakroom

The breakroom is the heartbeat of any workplace, serving as a hub for employees to recharge, socialize, and refuel their productivity. If you’ve found your breakroom is in need of a restock,  here is a helpful list of items you’ll need to keep employees happy…

Is Chatbot Customer Service Better Than A Real Person?

Is Chatbot Customer Service Better Than A Real Person?

by Diana L. Martin

In today’s fast-paced business world, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance the customer experience and improve operational efficiency. One such trend gaining popularity is the use of chatbots to handle customer service inquiries. Like any technology implementation, there are both advantages and disadvantages to replacing your customer service staff with chatbots.

Decorate Your Workspace for the Fall Season

Decorate Your Workspace for the Fall Season

A recent poll asked employees what they enjoy most about autumn in the workplace and the majority of the respondents said they enjoyed decorating their workspace for the new season. To help you jumpstart your fall decor, we’ve compiled some clever ways you can decorate your workspace for autumn…

Color and Design - Creating the Perfect Interior Color Palette for Your Office

Color and Design - Creating the Perfect Interior Color Palette for Your Office

by Kim Schroeder

Color theory is the art of incorporating a variety of design principles and applying them to color.  In addition to theory, color trends are the direction and way our society thinks about color.  Designers use color theories and trends as a tool to highlight or separate an area or a space.  Companies enjoy using color as a way to attract new customers and make their business appear more successful.

Fall Marketing Ideas to Spike Quarter 4 Business Growth

Fall Marketing Ideas to Spike Quarter 4 Business Growth

Fall offers a unique opportunity to connect with customers and boost sales before the year comes to a close. To help you make the most of this season, we've compiled a list of fall marketing ideas to spike your fourth quarter business growth…

Clever Ways to Protect Your Shipments (That Don’t Involve More Bubble Wrap!)

Clever Ways to Protect Your Shipments (That Don’t Involve More Bubble Wrap!)

by Marisa Kenyon

If you're someone who ships a lot of things, big or small, then there is a high chance you've had issues with items damaged in transit.  Whether it's due to mishandling by the carrier or inadequate packaging, these damages can accumulate over time - in both money and frustration.

Fortunately, there are a few innovative and unconventional ways to safeguard your shipments all the way from carrier to customer. So, let's think outside the box (pun intended!) and explore some effective methods to ensure the protection of your packages along their journey.

Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

by Diana L. Martin

To the normal person, office supplies are a mundane necessity of doing business. I, on the other hand, believe that ordinary items can hold extraordinary potential. In this blog, I’m excited to explore the possibilities of standard office supplies beyond their conventional uses. From the simple paper clip that can double as a cable organizer to the versatile sticky notes that spark creativity, I’ll delve into innovative ways to make the most out of these everyday tools. Join me as I unlock a treasure trove of alternate uses that will not only enhance your productivity but also add a touch of ingenuity to your work and everyday life. Get ready to see office supplies in a whole new light!

The Ultimate Back to School Shopping Guide

The Ultimate Back to School Shopping Guide

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to back-to-school shopping is finding everything on the list. Whether you're a seasoned parent or a first-time shopper, creating a comprehensive shopping list can be key to ensuring a smooth transition from lazy summer days to the hustle and bustle of school life. Here is the ultimate back-to-school shopping list to help you stay organized and prepared for the academic year ahead…

Where Do We Fall Short?

Where Do We Fall Short?

by Diana L. Martin

You're used to reading this blog and seeing new product reviews, helpful tips or things like suggestions on how to make your office environment better - and I enjoy writing those articles for you. Well, today is going to be different.  No sales pitch.  No "how to" topics.  No jokes.

Today I'm going to ask you a question that many companies never ask their customers.  Why?  Maybe they're afraid to hear the answer, but in today's business world if you don't know this answer your company may not be around later to ask it.  So here it is....

Marketing Your Business Through Print

Marketing Your Business Through Print

by Diana L. Martin

Every business needs printed materials -  brochures that advertise the company's services, envelopes, stationery, business cards, invoices, work orders, etc.  All of these items are a type of marketing for your business.  Every letter you send out on letterhead, every work order that you leave with a client, every piece of paper that has your company information on it gets your company name out in front of people and it is important that the impression left behind is positive and professional.

The Power of Office Ice Cream Socials

The Power of Office Ice Cream Socials

While work-related activities undoubtedly play a crucial role in fostering a positive culture, sometimes it's the simple pleasures that can make a significant difference. Enter the beloved tradition of office ice cream socials—a delightful way to bring employees together, spark conversations, and celebrate accomplishments. Here are just a handful of the benefits they can offer…

A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Your Perfect Printer

A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Your Perfect Printer

by Diana L. Martin

Even in today’s fast-paced digital world, printers in both home and office settings remain indispensable. Whether you need to print important documents, vibrant marketing materials or cherished memories captured in photographs, finding the right printer is crucial. However, with a plethora of options available in the market, selecting the perfect printer that matches your specific needs can be a daunting task. But fear not! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential considerations, features and factors to help you make an informed decision. From understanding different printer types to evaluating print quality, speed and connectivity options, we have all the insights you need to navigate the printer landscape and find the ideal device for your home or office environment.

How to Create a Positive Company Culture 

How to Create a Positive Company Culture 

A positive work culture not only enhances employee satisfaction but also promotes productivity, innovation, and overall growth. While there's no one-size-fits-all formula, certain principles can guide businesses toward fostering a positive company culture. Here are some strategies to consider…

Revitalize Your Classroom: Transforming Learning Spaces for Maximum Productivity

Revitalize Your Classroom: Transforming Learning Spaces for Maximum Productivity

by Micah Guzman

Now that yet another school year has come to a close, it is the beginning of summer vacation for a majority of students and educators.  It’s an exciting time of relaxation and decompression, and the perfect opportunity to start evaluating what can be done to improve the space in which students and educators spend so much time. Today, let’s look at three ways a school or classroom can be refreshed to enhance productivity for the upcoming school year.

The best desk décor ideas for personalizing your workspace

The best desk décor ideas for personalizing your workspace

Picture this: You enter a room and instinctively reach for the doorknob to open the door. As you do, you expect to find the light switch conveniently placed on the right side, just like it is for about 90% of the population. Being right-handed has its advantages, subtly woven into our daily lives, often going unnoticed until they are absent…

Optimizing the Office Experience: The Top 5 Hacks for Left-Handed Professionals

Optimizing the Office Experience:  The Top 5 Hacks for Left-Handed Professionals

by Marisa Kenyon

Picture this: You enter a room and instinctively reach for the doorknob to open the door. As you do, you expect to find the light switch conveniently placed on the right side, just like it is for about 90% of the population. Being right-handed has its advantages, subtly woven into our daily lives, often going unnoticed until they are absent.

But what about the remaining 800 million people on this planet? Left-handed individuals find themselves in a world designed primarily for the right-handed majority. Sure, you can scout specialty stores for left-handed spatulas and other tools, but what truly deserves your investment?