green products

Greening the Workplace: How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

Greening the Workplace:  How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

by Diana L. Martin

It’s practically impossible to pick up a newspaper or magazine and not find an article about sustainability.  Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it impacts many aspects of our lives, including the way we work.  Office environments can have a significant impact on our planet and adopting sustainable practices in the office not only benefits the environment but also enhances your company’s reputation.  Let’s explore some of the ways your business can contribute to a greener future.

How Do I Know My Cleaning Products Are Environmentally Safe?

How Do I Know My Cleaning Products Are Environmentally Safe?

by Diana L. Martin

The Green Movement has been around for a lot longer than most people realize. It actually has its roots in Europe and has been active in the United States since at least the time of the Industrial Revolution, although most people here probably think it began in 1970 with the first Earth Day celebration.

Many of you are concerned about environmentally friendly and safe office products, especially as it concerns janitorial/cleaning supplies.