Greening the Workplace: How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

by Diana L. Martin

It’s practically impossible to pick up a newspaper or magazine and not find an article about sustainability.  Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it impacts many aspects of our lives, including the way we work.  Office environments can have a significant impact on our planet and adopting sustainable practices in the office not only benefits the environment but also enhances your company’s reputation.  Let’s explore some of the ways your business can contribute to a greener future.


One of the most straightforward ways to make your office eco-friendly is to choose office supplies made from recycled materials or those with eco-friendly certifications.  For instance, opt for rechargeable batteries, binders made from alternative materials, refillable mechanical pencils, recycled pens or recycled paper products.  Whether it’s printer paper, notebooks, paper plates or cups, choosing recycled paper helps conserve energy, water and minerals.  It also reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and reduces the need to cut new trees.  Even if you don’t choose to purchase recycled paper products, make sure the ones you do choose are easily recyclable.  Choose office supply brands that are committed to sustainability - these companies often have their policies and practices published on their websites.  Support these businesses to encourage responsible practices in the industry.


When purchasing new office equipment like printers, copiers, monitors or kitchen appliances, look for Energy Star-certified devices. These are designed to be more energy efficient, saving you money on utility bills and reducing your office’s energy consumption. Use the Power Saver setting on the printers and copiers and keep the lid closed on copiers (especially when making a copy).  Switch to LED lighting and encourage employees to turn off lights when not needed. 


Sustainability doesn’t stop with paper and pens.  Cleaning supplies are an obvious category when talking about harm to the environment.  If you’re in a business that allows it, look for products that use natural ingredients and have minimal packaging.  Look for eco-certification labels on the items.  There are many different types of eco-friendly certifications – you can read about them in our blog post “How Do I Know My Cleaning Products Are Environmentally Safe?”  Also, consider making your own cleaning solutions using simple ingredients like vinegar (makes a great glass cleaner) and baking soda (a fantastic stain cleaner).


Much of the information and communication in an office can be conducted electronically, reducing the need for physical copies.  Encourage your team to share documents digitally and use project management tools. When paper copies are needed, use double-sided printing to reduce the amount of paper used.  Not only does this save resources but it also reduces clutter and waste. 


Recycling programs are easy to set up.  You can purchase recycling bins for paper, ink & toner, plastics and batteries, then encourage your employees to use the bins instead of throwing everything all in one trash receptacle.  Old electronics should be handled by an electronics recycling facility to ensure that they are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.  OEX offers a free electronics recycling program – see the details here.



Opt for sustainable furniture and décor made from renewable materials.  Many manufacturers offer sustainable products in their product lines - Sitmatic, HumanScale, JSI, Momentum and Mohawk, just to name a few.  Design your office layout to maximize natural light and ventilation, reducing the need for artificial means.


Finally, create awareness within your office about the importance of sustainability and encourage your team to participate in green initiatives like recycling, carpooling or biking to work (weather permitting).


By making informed decisions, your company can contribute to a better future for the planet.  Remember, small changes can lead to a significant impact and every effort counts in the journey toward a more sustainable workspace and planet.  (Taking the extra steps to obtain a green certification like LEED can also result in more business for your company.)  Start your journey today!