Did You Know?

Greening the Workplace: How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

Greening the Workplace:  How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

by Diana L. Martin

It’s practically impossible to pick up a newspaper or magazine and not find an article about sustainability.  Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it impacts many aspects of our lives, including the way we work.  Office environments can have a significant impact on our planet and adopting sustainable practices in the office not only benefits the environment but also enhances your company’s reputation.  Let’s explore some of the ways your business can contribute to a greener future.

Color and Design - Creating the Perfect Interior Color Palette for Your Office

Color and Design - Creating the Perfect Interior Color Palette for Your Office

by Kim Schroeder

Color theory is the art of incorporating a variety of design principles and applying them to color.  In addition to theory, color trends are the direction and way our society thinks about color.  Designers use color theories and trends as a tool to highlight or separate an area or a space.  Companies enjoy using color as a way to attract new customers and make their business appear more successful.

Clever Ways to Protect Your Shipments (That Don’t Involve More Bubble Wrap!)

Clever Ways to Protect Your Shipments (That Don’t Involve More Bubble Wrap!)

by Marisa Kenyon

If you're someone who ships a lot of things, big or small, then there is a high chance you've had issues with items damaged in transit.  Whether it's due to mishandling by the carrier or inadequate packaging, these damages can accumulate over time - in both money and frustration.

Fortunately, there are a few innovative and unconventional ways to safeguard your shipments all the way from carrier to customer. So, let's think outside the box (pun intended!) and explore some effective methods to ensure the protection of your packages along their journey.

Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

by Diana L. Martin

To the normal person, office supplies are a mundane necessity of doing business. I, on the other hand, believe that ordinary items can hold extraordinary potential. In this blog, I’m excited to explore the possibilities of standard office supplies beyond their conventional uses. From the simple paper clip that can double as a cable organizer to the versatile sticky notes that spark creativity, I’ll delve into innovative ways to make the most out of these everyday tools. Join me as I unlock a treasure trove of alternate uses that will not only enhance your productivity but also add a touch of ingenuity to your work and everyday life. Get ready to see office supplies in a whole new light!

Marketing Your Business Through Print

Marketing Your Business Through Print

by Diana L. Martin

Every business needs printed materials -  brochures that advertise the company's services, envelopes, stationery, business cards, invoices, work orders, etc.  All of these items are a type of marketing for your business.  Every letter you send out on letterhead, every work order that you leave with a client, every piece of paper that has your company information on it gets your company name out in front of people and it is important that the impression left behind is positive and professional.

Pens and Ink: What's the Difference?

Pens and Ink:  What's the Difference?

by Diana L. Martin

If you are one of those people who go to the office supply store to buy pens and stare in amazement at all the different types wondering, "What's the difference?" this article is for you. There are numerous varieties - ballpoint, gel, advanced ink, etc. - how do you know which one to choose? Well, let me help you.

Today I'll give you a rundown on the five major types of ink pens and their qualities to help you decide which one is best for you.

Where to Find Free Images for Custom Printing and Websites

Where to Find Free Images for Custom Printing and Websites

by Alex Plachta

Not everything is easy to draw! In fact, I’d argue that almost everything is hard to draw! Illustrator and Photoshop can be challenging for the novice creator and photographing items is not always the simplest process. There are plenty of sites where you can purchase images, but on some jobs (like this blog) you might be able to find something totally acceptable - and high quality - without having to pay for the rights to the image. Here are two sites where you can find free images for whatever you’re designing. 

The Membership Debate - How Much Money Do They Really Save Your Company?

The Membership Debate - How Much Money Do They Really Save Your Company?

by Diana L. Martin

Several years ago, we published a blog titled, “Are Memberships Worth the Cost?” which generated more views than any other blog up to that point. Today it still reigns as the most-viewed blog we’ve ever posted and we’ve received some passionate comments on it.

Fast forward five years and in 2023 memberships are still going strong as a marketing and sales tool. I want to spend just a few minutes revisiting this topic today since it’s still quite a popular one.

The Value of Employee Feedback

The Value of Employee Feedback

Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 employees feel dissatisfied with the frequency of feedback from their manager? Offering feedback to employees can be crucial for a variety of reasons, including helping them feel a part of the team, become more engaged with company values, and grow their professional careers. Here are some reasons why providing more employee feedback could be right for your business…

How to Combat Delayed Decision Disorder - Office Organization Made Easy

How to Combat Delayed Decision Disorder - Office Organization Made Easy

by Diana L. Martin

So we're a few weeks into the new year.....  You've got all your year-end paperwork done, files are boxed up and put in storage and your 2022 taxes are ready to be filed.  

.....Now that you're done rolling on the floor laughing, I'll get serious.  Organizing your office will help you save time and money.  There's actually a term for this - it's called Organomics®.  According to Organomics.com, Organomics® is:

Are You Handling Your Fundraising Efforts The Best Way?

Are You Handling Your Fundraising Efforts The Best Way?

by Alex Plachta

The Office Express printing division handles a lot of mailings for non-profit organizations.  We primarily work with schools and Catholic organizations but have quite a variety of non-profits in our clientele.  I recently read some interesting statistics and thought they’d be a good topic to discuss.

Reducing Screen Time Before Bed for Better Sleep Hygiene

Reducing Screen Time Before Bed for Better Sleep Hygiene

Digital screens take up a lot of our lives, and the blue light that is emitted from those devices can interfere with your circadian rhythm, which is the cycle that signals to the body when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Here are some tips to ditch the digital so you can get a five-star snooze...

Solutions for an Open Office Environment

Solutions for an Open Office Environment

by Kim Schroeder

Within the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in open workspaces.  The intention was that employees could collaborate, share knowledge, and be more productive overall. Corporate America thought this was an ideal solution for encouraging teamwork.  We now know that this is not always the case.  There are current studies that show that an open work environment can be more disruptive.  The lack of privacy, along with the added noise, can do the opposite of what was intended and inhibit an employee’s ability to concentrate, therefore decreasing productivity. 

Be Prepared for the New Year - Order Your New Stamps Now!

Be Prepared for the New Year - Order Your New Stamps Now!

by Diana L. Martin

We're almost to the end of another year - do you know what that means? It means that it's time to check your date stamps. Are you on the last year band? Do you need to order a new stamp?

Some customers are confused by the process of ordering a custom stamp. They know basically what they want, but, when their office products dealer asks them for details, suddenly it seems not so simple. It needn’t be difficult – we’ll walk you through the process.

4 Things You'll Love About Our Newly Redesigned Website

4 Things You'll Love About Our Newly Redesigned Website

by Diana L. Martin

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the customer experience at OEX. A year and a half ago, we changed software companies and launched a brand new website. We’ve received lots of compliments about it and we’re so glad you liked the change! But, like most things in life, it wasn’t perfect. You let us know what you liked, what you didn’t like, and what features were on your wish list - and we listened. We’ve been working with our software provider as well as some of you who agreed to be beta testers for us (thank you!) and last week we launched the redesigned and improved site!

Here are four of the improvements we’ve made that we think you’ll love:

Mailings Can Be Cheaper And Easier Than You Think!

Mailings Can Be Cheaper And Easier Than You Think!

by Alex Plachta, Print Department Manager

A few years ago there was a thought that everyone would go to exclusively digital invitations and advertisements, but that has proven not to be the case - at least not yet. Maybe in another 15 years it will be, but even the younger crowd likes getting some physical material and research shows that people are more likely to remember information when there is a physical piece to touch and feel.

Trash Can Liners - Which Kind Do You Need?

Trash Can Liners - Which Kind Do You Need?

You may be asking, "Why do I need a buying guide for trash bags - what's so difficult about buying them?"  Difficult?  Nothing really, but there actually is science behind them that you may not be aware of.

There are basically two steps to choosing a can liner:

  1. Understanding the plastic types and gauge
  2. Matching bag sizes to cans

Let's take a look at each of those steps.

Scotch Cushion Lock Protective Wrap - An Innovative Option In Packaging Materials

Scotch Cushion Lock Protective Wrap - An Innovative Option In Packaging Materials

by Diana L. Martin

Shipping products presents various challenges, depending on the item. Most people think of fragile items or liquids when they’re thinking about items that need special care in packaging, but really all items need to be packed securely to prevent damage. Let’s face it - carriers are not exactly gentle on packages.

What is Occupational Wellness?

What is Occupational Wellness?

Occupational wellness speaks to a person’s ability to balance work and life in a healthy way that promotes satisfaction personally and professionally. Whether it’s engaging in work that motivates you, having a strong sense of work/life balance, or collaborating well with your coworkers, occupational wellness can come in many forms. Here are a few ways to improve your own occupational wellness so you can make the most of your career.

How Do I Know My Cleaning Products Are Environmentally Safe?

How Do I Know My Cleaning Products Are Environmentally Safe?

by Diana L. Martin

The Green Movement has been around for a lot longer than most people realize. It actually has its roots in Europe and has been active in the United States since at least the time of the Industrial Revolution, although most people here probably think it began in 1970 with the first Earth Day celebration.

Many of you are concerned about environmentally friendly and safe office products, especially as it concerns janitorial/cleaning supplies.