
Bringing the Outdoors In

Bringing the Outdoors In

By:  Kim Schroeder

Who doesn’t love the warmth of the sun across their face?  Or the renewed feeling that you get, after a long dreary winter, when a hint of green starts to appear on the trees?  I think that we can all agree that most of us love nature and the positive feelings that it evokes in us.

Now stop and think about how much time you actually have to spend in nature, compared to the time you spend doing other activities like grocery shopping, driving in the car, or working in the office.

Well, there is one area that we CAN improve on.  The workplace.  We can bring nature into the OFFICE.  Scientists have proven that bringing nature into the workplace can have a major, positive impact on employees’ overall health and wellness.

Revitalize Your Classroom: Transforming Learning Spaces for Maximum Productivity

Revitalize Your Classroom: Transforming Learning Spaces for Maximum Productivity

by Micah Guzman

Now that yet another school year has come to a close, it is the beginning of summer vacation for a majority of students and educators.  It’s an exciting time of relaxation and decompression, and the perfect opportunity to start evaluating what can be done to improve the space in which students and educators spend so much time. Today, let’s look at three ways a school or classroom can be refreshed to enhance productivity for the upcoming school year.

Solutions for an Open Office Environment

Solutions for an Open Office Environment

by Kim Schroeder

Within the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in open workspaces.  The intention was that employees could collaborate, share knowledge, and be more productive overall. Corporate America thought this was an ideal solution for encouraging teamwork.  We now know that this is not always the case.  There are current studies that show that an open work environment can be more disruptive.  The lack of privacy, along with the added noise, can do the opposite of what was intended and inhibit an employee’s ability to concentrate, therefore decreasing productivity.