Bringing the Outdoors In

By Kim Schroeder

Who doesn’t love the warmth of the sun across their face? Or the renewed feeling that you get, after a long dreary winter, when a hint of green starts to appear on the trees?  I think that we can all agree that most of us love nature and the positive feelings that it evokes in us.

Now stop and think about how much time you actually have to spend in nature, compared to the time you spend doing other activities like grocery shopping, driving in the car, or working in the office.

Well, there is one area that we CAN improve on. The workplace. We can bring nature into the OFFICE.  Scientists have proven that bringing nature into the workplace can have a major, positive impact on employees’ overall health and wellness.

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It is shown that the lack of nature in the workplace can cause a decrease in employee energy levels.    Most employees spend an average of eight hours per day in an office setting.  Employers can unwittingly detract from employee health and performance by limiting access to natural light in the office environment.

Fortunately, there are several ways that we can achieve bringing the “outdoors in”.  First, by revisiting office layouts, we are able to maximize natural light.  Often, a simple change like lower panel heights allows natural light to reach deeper within the space.  Research indicates that workers in office environments, with optimized natural light, reported an 84 percent drop in symptoms of eyestrain, headaches and blurred vision.  Even replacing standard fluorescent bulbs with daylight bulbs can achieve increased alertness and productivity.  


Bringing in natural materials like wood, stone, or even a water feature, can help to contribute to that outdoor feeling.  One simple change that can make a large impact is to incorporate live plants throughout the workspace.

Green plants are a productivity booster!  Studies have shown that workers who are placed in a room with plants generated more creative ideas than those without.

Plants help to reduce stress.  When plants are introduced into the workplace, depression, anxiety, anger, and fatigue decrease.  Even one plant per workspace can reveal a difference in mood and increase productivity!

Also, did you know that the color GREEN has a relaxing effect?

BONUS:  Plants clean the air.  In the 1980s NASA scientists discovered that plants could remove chemicals in the air such as formaldehyde and benzene.  In other words, plants can reduce up to 87% of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in the air.  They also reduce carbon dioxide levels in the office.  So, it really is safe to assume that plants keep us healthier.

If acoustics is a concern, plants also have a natural ability to absorb sounds.  To help with this, utilize larger planter boxes in wide open spaces.  Also, a great product to help with acoustics, and to add greenery to a space, are acoustic moss panels called Bio-Canvas by Nevins.  These panels are made from preserved Reindeer Moss.  This is a wonderful way to bring the outdoors in with little to no maintenance.
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There are certainly major benefits to bringing the outdoors into the office.  We partner with a variety of suppliers and can provide you with an array of natural productivity solutions to help turn your office into a healthier more productive workplace.  Come talk to our experts so that we can turn your dream of a healthier office environment into a reality.
