The Top 5 Ways Your Office Can Make You Smarter

by Marisa Kenyon

In today's world, where work knows no boundaries, our work environments play a crucial role in shaping our productivity and cognitive abilities. Beyond the standard tools of productivity, the physical spaces we inhabit can have a profound impact on our mental acuity and overall performance. In this blog, we delve into the top five ways your office can make you smarter, exploring the subtle yet significant factors that influence your cognitive prowess.


1. lighting

There’s more than one reason that the window office is so coveted: Not only does it provide a scenic view, but it is also proven to reduce eyestrain, headaches, and drowsiness. Researchers consistently find that natural light is superior to indoor or fluorescent lighting and, according to a study from Michigan State University, it can improve both our memory and spatial learning abilities.

Fortunately, if you don’t have access to a window, you can still get the benefits of natural light by taking periodic breaks outside. This approach might be less practical in bad or cold weather, but there are specialized desk lamps designed for just this purpose. The OttLite Wellness Desk Lamp, for instance, employs 'ClearSun LED' technology, which replicates daylight and can reduce eyestrain by up to 51%. Offering multiple brightness levels and a flexible neck, this lamp allows you to customize the lighting to your exact comfort preferences.


Choosing an ideal office temperature is a lot like choosing office music – you can’t make everyone happy, and someone is bound to complain. As a result, we tend to settle for seasonal averages that typically fall within the range of 68-76°F. It can be difficult to concentrate when your body is working overtime to heat or cool itself, but wearing temperature-appropriate clothing can be tricky in an office setting – business casual was not built for 90° weather!

Take back control of the thermostat, (at least at your own desk), with a programmable heater and a desk fan. I personally recommend the Lorell USB Personal Fan, which is only about 8 inches tall, but provides a gentle, refreshing wind between two different settings and conveniently plugs right into the computer. It also includes a built-in clamp to make getting just the right angle a breeze – pun intended.


It’s no surprise that poor air quality can affect mental performance, but what is surprising is how much of an effect there is. A 2018 study by the United Nations found that accumulated exposure to air pollution “impedes overall cognitive performance”, with verbal and math abilities suffering the most. A Professor from Yale’s School of Public Health was quoted as saying, “Polluted air can cause [people] to reduce their level of education by one year, which is huge.”

Thankfully, investing in an air purifier can be a solution to improving indoor air quality. The HoneyWell InSight HEPA Tower Air Purifier captures up to 99.9% of airborne allergens and particles, as well as reduces circulating smoke, dust, and pollen. This unit covers up to 200 sq. ft., but other models vary from 120 to 1,750 sq. ft.

4. color and complexity

Wherever you are reading this, take a moment to look around you: Is it monochromatic, or colorful? Minimalist or cluttered?

Most people are under the impression that, for a space to be productive, it must be monotone and relatively empty so as to not provide any distractions. But, as anyone who has spent time in a doctor's office knows, a lack of color or stimulation can be just as distracting. There is a ‘Goldilocks zone’ that is ideal for productivity and creativity – some color and clutter, but not too much.

For those whose offices lean towards controlled chaos, consider desktop organizers. They come in a variety of colors and price points, providing both functionality and a bit of visual interest. On the flip side, if you find yourself staring at blank walls throughout the day, one inexpensive and easy option is to hang a wall calendar with a scenic design. Alternatively, for a more comprehensive transformation, don't hesitate to get in touch with our talented interior design team. They can help you explore a number of colors and textures to invigorate your space, ensuring that it not only meets your functional needs but also elevates your overall work environment.

5. ownership & flexibility

We don't always have the luxury of choosing where we work– whether it's the traditional office, remote work on the go, or the increasingly common home office. While the physical attributes of a space certainly play a role in our comfort, there are two other crucial factors that can influence our overall satisfaction with a workspace. These factors have less to do with the physical setup of the space, and more to do with the degree of control you have within it.

Firstly, there's the concept of 'ownership,' which pertains to your ability to personalize and tailor your environment to your liking, rather than being subjected to strict rules and regulations dictating what can or cannot be present in the space. The second factor is 'flexibility,' which revolves around the freedom to rearrange and adapt elements within the environment as needed. For example, it could involve the degree of freedom to reconfigure chairs and whiteboards to facilitate a more collaborative meeting, as opposed to being confined to a conference table.

While these elements are a tad more difficult to implement than the previous four, they are just as effective in lowering stress and boosting productivity.


As we adapt to the ever-changing landscape of work, these insights remind us that intelligence isn't solely a product of our minds; it's also cultivated by the spaces we inhabit. By implementing these strategies, you can transform your office into a sanctuary for smart thinking, ensuring that wherever you work—be it in a traditional office, on the go, or from the comfort of your home—you're equipped to perform at your best.

Try the checklist yourself, and see how your office could make you smarter!