
Reducing Screen Time Before Bed for Better Sleep Hygiene

Reducing Screen Time Before Bed for Better Sleep Hygiene

Digital screens take up a lot of our lives, and the blue light that is emitted from those devices can interfere with your circadian rhythm, which is the cycle that signals to the body when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Here are some tips to ditch the digital so you can get a five-star snooze...

Helpful Techniques to Beat Procrastination

Helpful Techniques to Beat Procrastination

Last month, we asked you to tell us what your productivity secret was, from coffee and meditation to music and to-do lists. The majority of you chose music as your secret weapon, while to-do lists came in a close second. No matter what your current productivity hack is, it can be helpful to try some new techniques.

Benefits of Using Mantras in the Workplace

Benefits of Using Mantras in the Workplace

Positive affirmations, otherwise known as mantras are statements that can provide encouragement and motivation for yourself or others. While they can be used in every facet of life, mantras in the workplace can offer a tremendous amount of benefits, from improving confidence to overcoming negative habits. Here are just some of the ways positive affirmations can transform your mindset at work.