How To...

Greening the Workplace: How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

Greening the Workplace:  How Sustainability Benefits Your Office and the Planet

by Diana L. Martin

It’s practically impossible to pick up a newspaper or magazine and not find an article about sustainability.  Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it impacts many aspects of our lives, including the way we work.  Office environments can have a significant impact on our planet and adopting sustainable practices in the office not only benefits the environment but also enhances your company’s reputation.  Let’s explore some of the ways your business can contribute to a greener future.

Decorate Your Workspace for the Fall Season

Decorate Your Workspace for the Fall Season

A recent poll asked employees what they enjoy most about autumn in the workplace and the majority of the respondents said they enjoyed decorating their workspace for the new season. To help you jumpstart your fall decor, we’ve compiled some clever ways you can decorate your workspace for autumn…

Color and Design - Creating the Perfect Interior Color Palette for Your Office

Color and Design - Creating the Perfect Interior Color Palette for Your Office

by Kim Schroeder

Color theory is the art of incorporating a variety of design principles and applying them to color.  In addition to theory, color trends are the direction and way our society thinks about color.  Designers use color theories and trends as a tool to highlight or separate an area or a space.  Companies enjoy using color as a way to attract new customers and make their business appear more successful.

Clever Ways to Protect Your Shipments (That Don’t Involve More Bubble Wrap!)

Clever Ways to Protect Your Shipments (That Don’t Involve More Bubble Wrap!)

by Marisa Kenyon

If you're someone who ships a lot of things, big or small, then there is a high chance you've had issues with items damaged in transit.  Whether it's due to mishandling by the carrier or inadequate packaging, these damages can accumulate over time - in both money and frustration.

Fortunately, there are a few innovative and unconventional ways to safeguard your shipments all the way from carrier to customer. So, let's think outside the box (pun intended!) and explore some effective methods to ensure the protection of your packages along their journey.

Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

Office Supply Hacks That Make Your Work Life A Little Easier

by Diana L. Martin

To the normal person, office supplies are a mundane necessity of doing business. I, on the other hand, believe that ordinary items can hold extraordinary potential. In this blog, I’m excited to explore the possibilities of standard office supplies beyond their conventional uses. From the simple paper clip that can double as a cable organizer to the versatile sticky notes that spark creativity, I’ll delve into innovative ways to make the most out of these everyday tools. Join me as I unlock a treasure trove of alternate uses that will not only enhance your productivity but also add a touch of ingenuity to your work and everyday life. Get ready to see office supplies in a whole new light!

A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Your Perfect Printer

A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Your Perfect Printer

by Diana L. Martin

Even in today’s fast-paced digital world, printers in both home and office settings remain indispensable. Whether you need to print important documents, vibrant marketing materials or cherished memories captured in photographs, finding the right printer is crucial. However, with a plethora of options available in the market, selecting the perfect printer that matches your specific needs can be a daunting task. But fear not! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential considerations, features and factors to help you make an informed decision. From understanding different printer types to evaluating print quality, speed and connectivity options, we have all the insights you need to navigate the printer landscape and find the ideal device for your home or office environment.

How to Create a Positive Company Culture 

How to Create a Positive Company Culture 

A positive work culture not only enhances employee satisfaction but also promotes productivity, innovation, and overall growth. While there's no one-size-fits-all formula, certain principles can guide businesses toward fostering a positive company culture. Here are some strategies to consider…

Revitalize Your Classroom: Transforming Learning Spaces for Maximum Productivity

Revitalize Your Classroom: Transforming Learning Spaces for Maximum Productivity

by Micah Guzman

Now that yet another school year has come to a close, it is the beginning of summer vacation for a majority of students and educators.  It’s an exciting time of relaxation and decompression, and the perfect opportunity to start evaluating what can be done to improve the space in which students and educators spend so much time. Today, let’s look at three ways a school or classroom can be refreshed to enhance productivity for the upcoming school year.

Optimizing the Office Experience: The Top 5 Hacks for Left-Handed Professionals

Optimizing the Office Experience:  The Top 5 Hacks for Left-Handed Professionals

by Marisa Kenyon

Picture this: You enter a room and instinctively reach for the doorknob to open the door. As you do, you expect to find the light switch conveniently placed on the right side, just like it is for about 90% of the population. Being right-handed has its advantages, subtly woven into our daily lives, often going unnoticed until they are absent.

But what about the remaining 800 million people on this planet? Left-handed individuals find themselves in a world designed primarily for the right-handed majority. Sure, you can scout specialty stores for left-handed spatulas and other tools, but what truly deserves your investment?

Where to Find Free Images for Custom Printing and Websites

Where to Find Free Images for Custom Printing and Websites

by Alex Plachta

Not everything is easy to draw! In fact, I’d argue that almost everything is hard to draw! Illustrator and Photoshop can be challenging for the novice creator and photographing items is not always the simplest process. There are plenty of sites where you can purchase images, but on some jobs (like this blog) you might be able to find something totally acceptable - and high quality - without having to pay for the rights to the image. Here are two sites where you can find free images for whatever you’re designing. 

How to Become Friends with Your Coworkers

How to Become Friends with Your Coworkers

Making friends at work can be a valuable aspect of your professional life. Not only can it make your workday more enjoyable, but it can also create a supportive environment that can help you succeed in your career. Here are some simple ways you can form connections with your colleagues…

How to Organize Your Workspace by Using Office Reference Systems

How to Organize Your Workspace by Using Office Reference Systems

by Diana L. Martin

Last month I wrote about combatting Delayed Decision Disorder and offered some suggestions on ways to organize your filing systems to better work with the way your brain operates. This month, I’m going to expand on the topic of organization and dive into a slightly different issue.

How to Combat Delayed Decision Disorder - Office Organization Made Easy

How to Combat Delayed Decision Disorder - Office Organization Made Easy

by Diana L. Martin

So we're a few weeks into the new year.....  You've got all your year-end paperwork done, files are boxed up and put in storage and your 2022 taxes are ready to be filed.  

.....Now that you're done rolling on the floor laughing, I'll get serious.  Organizing your office will help you save time and money.  There's actually a term for this - it's called Organomics®.  According to, Organomics® is:

Productivity Exercises for the Mind and Body

Productivity Exercises for the Mind and Body

Are you looking for clever, easy ways to keep your mind sharp and improve your productivity? Here are some simple but effective exercises to help you get things done in a timely manner…

Is Your Business Using Social Media to Your Full Advantage?

Is Your Business Using Social Media to Your Full Advantage?

Did you know that there is an estimated 4.2 billion social media users? Social media provides every business with an incredible opportunity to expand its reach and access an entirely new set of customers they otherwise may not have been able to. Here are a few of the benefits social media can offer your business…

Celebrating Valentine’s Day at the Office

Celebrating Valentine’s Day at the Office

Valentine’s Day isn’t always about chocolates and flowers with those you love; it can also be an opportunity to express your appreciation for those around you. If you’re looking for clever and simple ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day at work, here are a few helpful tips…

How to Make the Most of "Free Time" At Work

How to Make the Most of  "Free Time" At Work

From time to time, you may find yourself with a few free minutes throughout the workday. Wondering how you can make that stretch of time productive? From cleaning up your inbox to filing essential papers, here’s some inspiration…

Are You Handling Your Fundraising Efforts The Best Way?

Are You Handling Your Fundraising Efforts The Best Way?

by Alex Plachta

The Office Express printing division handles a lot of mailings for non-profit organizations.  We primarily work with schools and Catholic organizations but have quite a variety of non-profits in our clientele.  I recently read some interesting statistics and thought they’d be a good topic to discuss.

Reducing Screen Time Before Bed for Better Sleep Hygiene

Reducing Screen Time Before Bed for Better Sleep Hygiene

Digital screens take up a lot of our lives, and the blue light that is emitted from those devices can interfere with your circadian rhythm, which is the cycle that signals to the body when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Here are some tips to ditch the digital so you can get a five-star snooze...