Is Chatbot Customer Service Better Than A Real Person?

by Diana L. Martin

In today’s fast-paced business world, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance the customer experience and improve operational efficiency. One such trend gaining popularity is the use of chatbots to handle customer service inquiries. Like any technology implementation, there are both advantages and disadvantages to replacing your customer service staff with chatbots.

Personally, I detest chatbots. There have been way too many times that I’ve had to contend with one and my question isn’t in its list so it can’t understand what I’m asking and it either gives me garbage back as an answer or I get stuck in a continual loop because it doesn’t know how to respond. I want to speak with a human being who is capable of thinking for themselves and isn’t reading from a script.

But maybe that’s just me.

<deep breath>

Ok. I’ll push my personal feelings aside now and we’ll start by examining the favorable aspects of this option (as the rest of the world except me views them).


  • 24/7 Availability: Chatbots never sleep, which allows your company to provide round-the-clock support to customers in different time zones. This constant availability ensures that customers receive responses to their queries when they need them, which may lead to higher satisfaction and improved loyalty.

  • Cost Savings: Employing chatbots can be more cost-effective than maintaining a customer service team. Once implemented, chatbots can handle a vast number of customer inquiries simultaneously, reducing the need for additional staff.

  • Fast Response Times: If properly trained, chatbots can quickly analyze customer questions and provide immediate answers based on predefined algorithms and knowledge bases. This expedites query resolution, preventing frustration and improving the overall customer experience.

  • Consistency and Accuracy: Unlike human agents, chatbots deliver consistent and accurate responses (if regularly maintained). There is no chance of human error and minimal chance of miscommunication.

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Chatbots can gather valuable customer data during interactions. This data can be analyzed to identify patterns, customer preferences and pain points, aiding in strategic decision-making and personalized marketing.

Now for the negatives……………….


  • Lack of Empathy and Personalization: While chatbots are efficient, they lack the ability to understand human emotions and provide empathetic responses. Customers may feel frustrated or unheard when their concerns are not adequately addressed.

  • Lack of Adaptability: Chatbots can’t answer questions that aren’t in their database - they can’t adapt like a human being can. This also leads to frustration for customers when they only receive canned replies.

  • Complex Queries: Chatbots may struggle with handling complex or nuanced inquiries that require human intuition and problem-solving skills. In such cases, customers may become dissatisfied with generic or unhelpful responses.

  • Language Limitations: Chatbots can be limited in their ability to understand and respond accurately to diverse languages, dialects and slang. This could lead to miscommunication and create a negative impression among international customers.

  • Learning Curve and Implementation Challenges: Implementing a chatbot system requires significant time and effort, including designing conversational flows and integrating with existing systems. It may take time for the chatbot to become fully functional and efficient.

  • Regular Maintenance: Chatbots are not just a “set it and forget it” feature. If not kept up-to-date, they may give out incorrect or irrelevant answers. Like human agents, chatbots require regular training to keep them updated with new technology and information - which ties in with my next point below.

  • Brand Reputation Risks: Irrelevant or incorrect information can lead to a negative impact on the company’s reputation. Customers might view the company as unresponsive or unprofessional, potentially harming long-term, relationships.

The decision to replace customer service staff with chatbots requires careful consideration. While chatbots offer numerous benefits, the cons are not to be taken lightly. An option to consider is a balanced approach, where chatbots handle routine or straightforward inquiries and human agents are available for more complex, personalized and emotionally charged interactions. A hybrid model allows businesses to leverage the efficiency of technology while ensuring the human touch necessary for building strong customer relationships. Ultimately, you must understand your customer’s needs, wants and personalities to determine if this is the right course for your company.