Charity Spotlight: Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program™

Recently, I was learned of a unique charity called Gabe's My Heart and a program that it offers called Gabe's Chemo Duck Program™.  I want to share this story with you because I'm certain that you will be as touched by it as I was.

Gabe's My Heart is a nonprofit organization that was founded by Lu Sipos, whose son, Gabe, was diagnosed with cancer just one week before his first birthday.  As she and her husband struggled to deal with their own emotions, Lu tried to find some way to help Gabe. Her beautiful boy endured nine months of chemotherapy treatments, radiation and numerous surgeries during his first two years of life.  Lu came up with the idea for Chemo Duck Program as a way to give Gabe a companion that could provide comfort to him  as well as help him understand his illness.

Chemo Duck is a stuffed duck that the children can hold and hug and that has IV's and feeding tubes and ports just like the children do.  The duck becomes the child's special friend. They use the duck to role play in situations that make them nervous and Chemo Duck can help to make cancer treatment less frightening.  Gabe's My Heart distributes Chemo Ducks to children and families living with cancer.  The video below is a little longer than the ones I usually post, but I beg you to watch it in its entirety.  You won't be the same afterward.


There are many ways to participate in Gabe's Chemo Duck Program™.  You can purchase a duck to be delivered to you, donate a duck, Fund A Flock (donate 6 ducks) or simply make a cash donation.  Gabe's My Heart will place donated ducks with needy children on their list.  If you donate a flock, you can specify the hospital of your choice if you'd like to. The program has affiliate hospitals in 45 of the 50 states.  Businesses can become Corporate Sponsors.  

This program is so amazing. I was in tears by the time I finished reading all of the information on its website.  Please take the time to visit and read all about this wonderful organization.   See if your company would be willing to become a sponsor or host a fundraiser.  Donate a duck - or two or three.  

I did.

 I challenge you to do the same.