How To...

Asking for More Responsibility at Work

Asking for More Responsibility at Work

One way to boost your career is to ask for more responsibility at work. However, while you’re taking on more responsibilities, you also need to keep up with the scope of your current workload and meet, if not exceed expectations. But how does one achieve such a fine balance? Here are a few tips that can help…

Online Invoice Payment is Back - See How to Do it!

Online Invoice Payment is Back - See How to Do it!

by Diana L. Martin

IT’S BACK!!! Have you seen it?

You’ve been asking for the ability to pay your invoices online ever since we switched to our new website in 2021 and we’re happy to announce that the feature is finally back! You can now pay your outstanding invoices online with a credit card.

It’s super simple. The Pay Invoices function is located on your Dashboard. Here’s a quick tutorial. Click on any of the images to enlarge them.

Become More Comfortable Sharing Ideas at Work 

Become More Comfortable Sharing Ideas at Work 

Modern workplaces have become a hub of collaboration and idea sharing. While everyone has ideas they should share, feeling comfortable communicating them can prove to be a challenge for some people. If you find yourself hesitating to speak up, try these tips.

How to Protect Confidential Information - Privacy in the Workplace

How to Protect Confidential Information - Privacy in the Workplace

by Diana L. Martin

If you work with sensitive information, you undoubtedly need ways to keep that information away from unauthorized eyes. File drawers and office doors can be locked - that's an obvious solution. But you also need to keep the information on your computer screen private while you work.

Helpful Ways to Spark Creativity

Helpful Ways to Spark Creativity

Last month we asked you to share what inspires you during the winter months. The vast majority of you chose to listen to music as your preferred method while exercising came in at a close second. If you’re looking for some additional ways to think outside of the box and make the most of the winter season, we have some helpful tips to get you started.

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Payment Terms & Refunds

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Payment Terms & Refunds

by Diana L. Martin

Here we are at last. The final installment of the totally epic series "How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor." The series that has overtaken Harry Potter as the most read of all time! The one that has had you riveted to your seat!

Just kidding.

No, really...I'm kidding.


(Yeah, like you really thought I was serious.) So anyway, we've arrived at the last of my topics - Payment Terms and Refunds. I think I'll work backward here and start with the refunds.

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Pricing

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Pricing

by Diana L. Martin

Hello again!

I know what you're thinking. You're talking back to your monitor right now wondering what took me so long to get to this point. Well, if you've been following this series, hopefully you've started to realize that there are many things to consider when choosing an office products vendor - not just one. People put too much emphasis on that one thing. But it is there, and we do need to talk about it, so here we go.

Let's discuss the dreaded . . .


How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Ease of Ordering

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Ease of Ordering

by Diana L. Martin

So here we are on Part 4 of my current series - How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor. Today we’ll look at ease of ordering.

There are lots of things to discuss on this topic and I’ll start with the most basic question - "How many ways can I order with your company?"

Believe it or not, there are companies out there that don't take phone orders. Or fax orders. Uh huh. All orders have to be placed online. Friendly, eh?

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Products & Delivery

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Products & Delivery

by Diana L. Martin

Welcome back! The next thing to consider in your search for an office supply vendor is products and delivery.


A big question here is: Does the supplier carry the items you purchase regularly?

Ideally, the answer is yes. A good office supply vendor will carry a vast array of items - not just typical office supplies like paper, writing instruments and binder clips. Can your company buy its basic supplies, ink and toner, electronics, furniture, breakroom and janitorial supplies all from the same vendor? What about specialty supplies? Make a list of your frequently ordered items and verify that the supplier carries them. If not, are you willing to switch brands? A good supplier will offer multiple name brand and generic ("house brand") items to choose from. Also, is the supplier willing and able to special order items for you?

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Customer Service

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor - Customer Service

by Diana L. Martin

Everyone has had bad customer service experiences - some worse than others. I know I've had many, many more than I care to remember. Customer service is a fundamental part of any business and should be one of your top priorities when selecting an office products vendor - or, for that matter, any other supplier.

Usually people start with price when evaluating suppliers, and we’ll get to that in a future blog, but customer service before, during and after the sale is extremely important. Can you call and speak with a live person or are you limited only to email or chat? Does the supplier hide their phone number on their website? Is their phone tree endless? Do they have knowledgeable representatives with industry experience who can answer your questions or are they outsourced (usually overseas) and reading off a script? Do they even offer customer service?

How to Multitask Like a Pro

How to Multitask Like a Pro

Last month we asked if you tend to multitask when in online meetings. The overwhelming majority of you said you typically are doing two things at once, while a small group indicated that they occasionally multitask, and the minority stating that they try not to, but their mind tends to wander. Wherever you fall on this list, have no fear! Here are some of the best ways to multitask like a pro and get your work done efficiently.

Custom Printing for Newbies - Artwork Files

Custom Printing for Newbies - Artwork Files

by Alex Plachta

This sounds like a more complicated topic than it really is - I promise! This article is intended to give a functional understanding to a casual person who needs to order print but does not have a graphic design background. It will not provide any ground-breaking information to someone with design experience!

Basically, file type is important because certain files may not translate well to physical printed products even if they look alright on your computer screen. These files (known as raster images) and their images are made up of many individual color pixels

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor

How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor

by Diana L. Martin

Go to any office product supplier's website and read their blog and you'll undoubtedly find a post about how to choose an office products supplier. They'll talk about price, selection, ordering, brands, delivery, etc. And they'll always give you reasons why they're the best choice. So you are reading my blog post titled "How to Choose an Office Supply Vendor" ......................and I'm not going to be that much different. I mean, really - you don't expect me to recommend someone else, do you?

Yes, in this and subsequent "parts" I will discuss those topics - and others- but I'm going to start today with one that everybody else seems to forget. And yes, I'm going to tell you that Office Express is great at it - because we are. That topic is:

Helpful Techniques to Beat Procrastination

Helpful Techniques to Beat Procrastination

Last month, we asked you to tell us what your productivity secret was, from coffee and meditation to music and to-do lists. The majority of you chose music as your secret weapon, while to-do lists came in a close second. No matter what your current productivity hack is, it can be helpful to try some new techniques.

Tips for Office Feng Shui

Tips for Office Feng Shui

Last month, we asked you to tell us where you’ve been working: at home, in the office, or under a hybrid model of both. The majority of you indicated that you’re back in commercial workspaces, while the minority are working from home and a handful are doing a hybrid mix of both. Regardless of your current workspace, adding feng shui into the design plan can bring some helpful benefits to your professional life.

Custom Printing for Newbies - Which Booklet to Order?

Custom Printing for Newbies - Which Booklet to Order?

by Alex Plachta

In this “For Newbies” blog I want to cover the basic options for ordering booklets. Booklets are not too complicated, so I am going to jump right into three main options:

The most basic option is the stapled booklet - also called “Saddle-Stitched.” This is the least expensive type of booklet and is a great option for most situations. The only special condition to be aware of is that the page count must be in multiples of four. This is required because the process involves stapling sheets that are folded in half (for example 11”x17” sheets if your booklet is going to be 8.5”x11”). Here are a few pictures:

How to Take the Headache Out of Ordering Office Supplies

How to Take the Headache Out of Ordering Office Supplies

by Diana L. Martin

If you’re the person assigned the task of ordering the office supplies and you just dread doing it, I’m here with a couple simple solutions for you today.

We get many calls and emails from customers who need to order an item but they don’t know what it’s called, or they don’t know the item number and they need help. They order all different ways - online, email, phone, etc. - and they know they’ve ordered it previously, but can’t find what they’re looking for at the moment.

The secret isn’t really a secret at all. It’s just this -